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The Go Programming Language download

The Go Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan, Alan Donovan

The Go Programming Language

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The Go Programming Language Brian W. Kernighan, Alan Donovan ebook
ISBN: 9780134190440
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Format: pdf
Page: 400

Except as noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, and code is licensed under a BSD license. New York • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco. Besides this overview you might want to consult the GDB manual. The design is Unix-like, although the error handling is Go-like; failing calls return values of type error rather than error numbers. Go 1.5 introduced the RawPath field to hold the encoded form of Path. Package template implements data-driven templates for generating textual output. Trace is a tool for viewing trace files. This document explains how to use gccgo, a compiler for the Go language. This applies to the gc toolchain. The gccgo compiler is a new frontend for GCC, the widely used GNU compiler. Get live support at #go-nuts on, the official Go IRC channel. Trace files can be generated with: - runtime/ trace.Start - net/http/pprof package - go test -trace. EscapeString escapes special characters like "<" to become "<". The Go website (the "Website") is hosted by Google. The Go Programming Language at Google+. The latest Go release, version 1.5, is a significant release, including major The release also contains one small language change involving map literals. Why more and more businesses are using the open source language that could be an alternative to Java. Func EscapeString(s string) string.

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